Die Suche ergab 4 Treffer

von mariannevanharten
Di 3. Mär 2015, 23:32
Forum: GEDCOM Import / Export
Thema: death indication without details
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 24297

Re: death indication without details

Hello Martin, Thanks for your reply. I cancelled my 'project' to edit my family tree file. First I would export my file into a gedcom, then make a lot a changes using GedTool and then reimporting it. But the export is not the same as the import, i.e. my reilgious marriage is converted to the civil ...
von mariannevanharten
So 1. Mär 2015, 21:58
Forum: GEDCOM Import / Export
Thema: death indication without details
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 24297

death indication without details

In my gedcom are many people with only the fact that he/she past away.
The original gedcom only said:

When I import this into GedTool, I can't find that tag.
How can I figure out in GedTool which persons passed away now?
von mariannevanharten
Mi 25. Feb 2015, 14:30
Forum: GEDCOM Import / Export
Thema: manual edited GedTool-sheet
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 7766

Re: manual edited GedTool-sheet

I analyzed the partial written file and looked into the GedTool sheet. I searched for the last written line of the gedcom file. The next field into the GedTool sheet shows me the problem: #VALUE!. This was defined by a formula to define the right content of the cells in that column. I deleted the ...
von mariannevanharten
Mi 25. Feb 2015, 10:31
Forum: GEDCOM Import / Export
Thema: manual edited GedTool-sheet
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 7766

manual edited GedTool-sheet

I have a gedcom-file (>60,000 persons) which I've loaded into GedTool. I edited the file and tried to save the new file. Within 1 minute an error appears (I use a Dutch version of Excel, so translated to English): Error 13: Types do not match. Maybe the 'problem' can be found here, but I do not know ...